Beware the OKCupid forum section, Narcissists hang out there.

  • Cain, this is Roxy, the forum moderator. I left a notice in your topic – after I renamed it to get your attention – for you to remove the links to Sapiosenses and my profiles from your profile. I will wait until noon today, Missouri time, for you to clear this mess up. If you do not have all references to us removed I will escalate this to management requesting for your profile to be deleted. At that time I will also delete every post and topic you’ve made in the forum, enjoy masse. What you are doing, and have done are strictly prohibited. Roxy


  • I will remove it, but I too have one request. Maybe think about being more kind to your OP’s in the future. Thanx! CainO’


  • Oh, I was not fallowing the post because I did not want to read the negativity I knew you would post in the comment section. So I do not know what you did to or with my post… So it is good that you messaged me directly. Anyway… The reference to you has been removed and I hope you consider my request and the feelings of others in your future posts and/or comments. We gain more respect with kindness than that of mallas. Thanx again, CainO’


OP:    Note: Beware the forum section, Narcissists hang out there. Unless you have Troll Armor, look but do not post.


I was going to post the fallowing, but I never did.
I might still, but I have yet to:


Forgive me for try to warn & protect people from the hateful & malicious activity w/in the forum section. It eludes me why OKCupid allows such uncaring & unthoughtful behavior from their so-called “moderators”. As an ITguy; it is my understanding that mods are suppose to “moderate”, not poke, prod, & create chaos, havoc &/or mayhem…

I never allow such heartless activities from my moderators & it makes me question the integrity of the people who own this site. My mods know I’ll ban them if the act that way towards my members. I would not want my people representing me the way you have been representing OKC. Such narcissism & troll like behavior will only run off potential paying customers, members & advertisers. I’m a paying customer, but my subscription expires this month of January 2016 & I will assure you that I will be way more reluctant in the future to spend any money on a site that condones such activities from their people. I was a paid advertiser & was looking forward to paying for more ad blocks on this site in the future, but not so much anymore…

I’m a paid member on another one of their sites, so as soon as that membership expires I will be deleting that account as well as all my accounts on all their sites…

You badmouth me in my astrology posts, I understand & accept that you don’t believe. But I can assure you the owners of this site do believe in astrology because they use it in over half of their date lines. This one they only use the sun sign; but others, they use more planetary alignments. They haven’t got the astrology quite right, but they do better than most; that’s why I have gravitate here in the 1st place…

You don’t need to worry about having me removed from this site, I will be removing myself & take my money else ware. I have already made copies & documented everything just encase you try & cover your tracks. I will be taking this matter to the next level, PeopleMedia & so forth…

I truly hope you learn respect for other in the future. The golden rule is something to remember, especially when you represent others & their paychecks.

2 thoughts on “Beware the OKCupid forum section, Narcissists hang out there.”

  1. Yeah; it’s OK for the two of them to flame people on the site, but it’s not OK for people to stand up to them for their actions. Make since right?

    Other then this one issue, I love OKC. But because they allow this kind of activity from their so called “Moderators”, makes me wander what kind of people are running the show…

  2. I went ahead and deleted my profile because I found someone on the PeopleMedia site who is astrologically compatible to me:

    And she likes me back! As of Valentines 2016, I pretty much was no long fishing in the fish pools anymore. So we will see how things go, but “I think I found myself a cheerleader”… as the song goes (:

    For help finding astrological compatibility for yourself, go to and I will help you there. PeopleMedia also uses astrology in their site; not just sun signs or the Chinese Zodiac, but real astrology. The only issue is that they only use Sun, Venus and Mars; but I can teach you how to use that to your advantage.

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