www.ThePolyCommunity.com – In the LDS church we went to this morning; they said that Joseph Smith restored the church as it was when Jesus himself founded it, and this is now the true church of Jesus Christ. Yet; Joseph Smith practiced Polygamy and I have herd repeatedly that Jesus did away with Polygamy, and so did the LDS… However; the LDS church only did away with it because the United Soviet States of Americas communist government made them do it, or else. So none of that makes any since!
I am not for not against it necessarily, I do know it’s not for everyone. Not everyone in it is doing it for the right reasons, not everyone can handle it; so I don’t think it is a commandment. More like a choice or maybe destiny, I believe some people have the astrological make up to be more Poly, so you might be able to say some was born that way. It is said that GLBT can be found in ones astrology, but I don’t believe it is genetic. I think we are born with attributes that allow of to go in different directions the others more easily, some “broad” paths are predestined, the rest is choice and/or free will.
I have never bought into the theory that God instructs us to be in Plural Marriage nor Monogamy; I use to think that the GLBT community was “going to hell” as I was raised to believe, but I am not so sure that is true anymore. From what I understand, nobody really has a clue! We are all just trying to make since out of a Fr*ck*d up world. I do still believe is good vs evil, just not the brainwash way I was taught growing up. There are two commandments that I believe we MUST OBEY and you can find them in Matthew written in the RED text; “37: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38: This is the first and great commandment. 39: And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40: On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”